So, how does an interactive whiteboard work? When interactive whiteboards were first introduced, many educators were hesitant to adopt, likely because of the potential technology complications. However, the functionality of interactive whiteboards is relatively simple, and now the use of interactive whiteboards is widespread. Interactive whiteboards are very easy to use – that’s why they are great for primary school learning. In fact, the ease of use is one of the many benefits of interactive whiteboards in the primary classroom.
Using an interactive whiteboard is as simple as connecting your computer. Through a projector, an image of the computer screen is displayed on the interactive board, where the board offers touch screen capabilities. The interactive whiteboard allows the user to click on buttons, highlight text and drop and drag items right from the computer screen display. Interactive whiteboards are available in the form of a stand-alone touchscreen computer or a connectable apparatus with touchpad controls from the projector screen.
What Is an Interactive Whiteboard in a Classroom Used For?
Interactive whiteboards in the classroom can be used for a wide variety of applications. Smart whiteboards are classroom tools that allow for an enriched, dynamic and engaging educational experience for both teachers and students.
Teachers using interactive whiteboards may use the device to present content to students, highlight important information and engage students in group problem-solving. Classes with smart board teachings may include question and answer sessions, explanations with diagrams, video content, or educational games and interactive materials. Interactive whiteboards in the classroom also significantly simplify the